Irish Dance lessons in Seattle start again on September 14, 2021. Start now and have a reel and jig ready for showing off during the holidays. The Comerford School offers wide opportunities for performing and competing. Confidence, stage presence, fitness, and friends are all part of the Comerford experience.
CHECK US OUT – interested dancers and their families are always welcome to come to a lesson and check us out. Our lessons are at the newly-renovated, spacious VFW Hall at 3601 SW Alaska St in West Seattle.
NEW BEGINNER SPECIAL. New beginners can start anytime at Comerford, though the optimum time is at the beginning of a term. And, the first six weeks of lessons, one per week, can be enjoyed for $100. We feel that six weeks will give the new dancer a good exposure and help her/him decide to continue or not.
We comply with all pandemic guidelines in our classes. There is ample space at the hall for distancing. And, we require masks for the unvaccinated. At least now, we discourage parents from staying at the hall to reduce possible COVID exposure, but new parents get an exception!!!
Call or email us at or 206-851-2101.
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